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In fulfillment of the Internet law 34/2002:


CIF: B54274527

Holder: Camí Coves 16, 03580 Alfaz del Pi, Alicante

Phone: 619354855

E-Mail: info_proambientealfaz.com

This web site provides the access to diverse contents belonging to Proambiente Alfaz, or to its licenciantes to which the User could have access. The User assumes the responsibility of the use of the web site, which spreads to the necessary record to accede to certain services or contents. In the above mentioned record the User will be a person in charge of contributing veracious and lawful information. As consequence of this record, it is possible to provide a password for which it will be responsible to the User, promising to do a diligent and confidential use of the same one.

Proambiente Alfaz saves itself the right to withdraw all those comments and contributions that damage the respect to the dignity of the person, which they are discriminatory, xenophobic, racist, pornographic, that commit an outrage against the youth or the infancy, the order or the public security or which, to his judgment, they were not turning out to be adapted for its publication. In any case, Proambiente Alfaz will not be responsible for the opinions spilt by the users across the diverse tools of participation.

Proambiente Alfaz SL is the legitimate owner of the content of the web pages in Internet to which one accedes across the address www.proambientealfaz.com, being this domain rented across a third party. All rights reserved. By virtue of arranged in the articles 8 and 32.1, the second paragraph, of the Law of Intellectual Property, there remain expressly prohibited the reproduction, the distribution and the public communication, included its modality of putting disposition, of the totality or part of the contents of this web page, with commercial purposes, in any support and for any technical way, without Proambiente Alfaz's authorization. The User promises to respect the rights of Intellectual Property and Proambiente Alfaz's Industrial ownership. It will be able to visualize the elements of the different websites and even to print them, to copy them and to store them on the hard disk of his computer or in any other physical support always and when he is, only and exclusively, for his personal and private use. The User will have to abstain from suppressing, to alter, to elude or to manipulate any device of protection or safety system that was installed in the web site of Proambiente Alfaz


Proambiente Alfaz SL, with headquarters in Camí Coves 16, 03580 Alfaz del Pi, Alicante, with e-mail info@proambientealfaz.com, informs the User about the application of the protection policy of information, in order which he could determine free and voluntarily if he wants to facilitate to Proambiente Alfaz the personal information that it could ask from him or that it could obtain of the mentioned User, on the occasion of the cumplimentación of the existing forms in the web page property of Proambiente Alfaz SL www.proambientealfaz.com, or of the services that could be contracted across the above mentioned page.

The Personal Information will be an object of treatment automated and incorporated into the databases for the company Proambiente Alfaz SL, being titular and responsible of the above mentioned database. With this object, Proambiente Alfaz SL will provide to the Users of proambientealfaz.com the technical suitable resources in order that, with previous character, they could accede to this notice on the Protection policy of Information, and could give their assent so that Proambiente Alfaz SL proceeds to the automated treatment of their Personal Information.

In fulfillment of the Organic Law 15/1999 of Protection of Information of Personal Character, the information of personal character will be treated by the protection degree adapted, taking the safety measures legally necessary to avoid his loss, deterioration and supply and access to not authorized third parties.

Keep in mind that on having refilled a form, the information in it contained will be able to be yielded by Proambiente Alfaz SL to its entities collaborators. There is understood that the user accepts the conditions established previously if he touches the button "SUBMIT" that is in the forms of withdrawal of information.

The links or hyperlinks that appear in this web page possess a merely informative character with a view to the user, on the existence of other sources of knowledge in Internet. Proambiente Alfaz SL will not be played the role responsible for possible consequences suffered across the above mentioned links or hyperlinks.

Finally, in fulfillment of the established in the LOPD, the User will be able to exercise his rights of access and rectification of his personal information to Proambiente Alfaz's database by means of the sending of an e-mail to the email address info@proambientealfaz.com.


In this site can be in use cookies when the user browses through the different pages. During the use of our web page the user accepts and authorizes expressly the use of cookies, in agreement with our privacy policy.

A cookie is a very small file that is downloaded in the user's device on having acceded to certain web pages, to store and to recover info about the navigation that is carried out from the above mentioned device.

The use of cookies has as exclusive purpose to remember the user's preferences. Remembering his preferences we will be able to offer him better experience of navigation. The cookies can help to our site to distinguish the browser of the user as previous and like that visitor to guard and to remember the preferences that could have been established while the user was browsing through the site, to customize the main pages, or to identify what sections have been visited.

Usually web sites use cookies to obtain statistical information about web pages. Keep in mind that we gather information on your movements and use of our Web as statistical, not personal information.

Later there appears a list of the cookies that you can find in our web site and a brief description of their purpose. We assure you that none of them preserves information of personal identification about you. Some cookies customize your visit, others remember your settings, whereas others only provide statistics of the visitors.

The user can configure his browser to accept or not, the cookies that he receives or in order that the browser warns him when a server wants to save a cookie or to delete from your computer. You can find the instructions in the safety settings of your web browser.

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